On The Go Meals
It’s busy season! Actually, is it every NOT the busy season? For those of us in the stage of life that seems like it is always “Go! Go! Go!” it can be hard to fuel properly to reach our goals. My struggle is always what to do for lunch. I’m notorious for having a good plan, my day changing and then I end up grabbing something “healthy” in a drive thru line. Sure, I know how to make better choices when I do, but the best thing I could do is be prepared ahead of time!
Below is link to a guide that will give you options to throw together and easy, on the go meal. Meal prep doesn’t have to be complicated. As long as you have your main components you’ll be good to go!
To keep it simple we are going to focus on three parts: Proteins, carbs and healthy fats! Your protein will typically include some fat which we all need, fruits/veggies for those vitamins and minerals and our starchy carbs help make sure we are getting some fiber intake!
Please feel free to download and share the below guide. Let us know what easy, on the go meals you come up with! Happy eating!
Health(ier) Sweet Treats
Did you know you can train your sweet tooth? Yup! Slowly removing the extra sugars in your daily diet an reduce your cravings for sugar. It doesn’t happen overnight. Sugar is highly addictive, we all know that. Once you start it is really hard to stop!
If you want to reduce the amount of sugar in your daily diet I recommend starting slow. Small, slow changes have a higher chance of sticking and becoming a habit. Try to find places where you “add” sugar to your diet and slowly reduce the amount you use or using it altogether! I am not talking about the fruit you eat. Let that be! Do you add sweetener to your coffee or tea? Start using less. Sugary cereals? Find an alternative with less added sugar. Grab a few pieces of candy or small cookies from a hidden stash? Limit the amount or find a fruit you love. What do you bake with? Find some good alternatives!
Going into 2025, let’s change our taste buds! Read labels of food you consume for “added sugar”. The American Heart Association recommends less than 36g for men and 25g for women of added sugar per day. I think that is still pretty high, but start by trying to stay under that number daily. Use natural sweeteners like syrup or honey when baking. Stay hydrated and eat foods full of protein and full fat to keep you satisfied! Little changes can go a long way.
You should still enjoy food. I love baking! Find ways to make those health(ier) options so you can feel good and keep working towards your goals! Below are ten recipes to help keep you on track and satisfy your sweet tooth.
Try some? Let us know what you think!
Mindful and Merry
Disclaimer: This post is not to encourage the use of alcohol, but rather help those that do plan to drink navigate a better way to consume alcohol. Happy holidays!
Tis the season of holiday gatherings! We all know what that means, plenty of access to food and drinks of all kinds. You can indulge and stay on track at the same time, but you need to be intentional! Below are a few tips to help you navigate your holiday parties if you plan to consume alcohol along with a recipe for our “Merry Margarita Mocktail”.
Prioritize water. Stay hydrated through the day. This doesn’t mean you have to chug! Sip and stay consistent. If you are going to an event where alcohol is served try alternating a glass of water with your alcoholic beverage. This will keep you hydrated and also slow down your consumption of alcohol!
Quality matters! Indulge, sure, but make sure it is worth it! If you don’t love it, leave it. This goes for food and beverages.
Abstain from drinking before and after your event. If you’re going to a holiday party you don’t need those extra calories at home! Wait for the big show!
Give yourself a drink limit and stick to it.
Add sparkling water! Yes, sparkling water is a great, zero free calorie mixer that adds a little pop to your beverage without the sugar!
Don’t drive home if you have been drinking. It’s never a good idea. Have a plan in place. There are too many options to get home safely for you to get behind the wheel if you’ve been drinking. You can be jolly and safe at the same time!
12 Days of Healthy Eating
It all begins with an idea.
It’s the busy season. We know! We are here to help, whether you are currently in our gym or not. Please feel free to download this free, twelve recipe healthy eating guide!
Like what you see? We offer one on one nutrition guidance! Everything from simple meal plans to one on one coaching. Contact us for more information.
For now, download the pdf and simplify your eating. All recipes are ten ingredients or less and five hundred calories or under. Simple one serving meal prep. Enjoy!